Hello riders!

Here are some last minute notes regarding the 300k & 400k events. Please read all of them. There are important bits throughout.

About the routes:
  1. First, I really enjoy riding these routes and I hope you will, too.
  2. Sunrise & Sunset. Arizona has some of the best. Your sunrise should be over Saguaro National Park. Don't miss it! Sunset may be on your back, to your left or in your eyes, depending on your speed. Faster riders may hit sunset on Sahuarita Rd. If this is you, make sure you have all of your reflective gear ON and all of your taillights ON. Cars will also have the sun in their eyes and you want them to see you!
  3. Cue sheets and RWGPS have been updated and are linked on the web (www.azbrevet.com). If you previously downloaded them, do it again! Some things have changed based upon the pre rides. The cue sheets will say "3-4-2023_Final" on them.
    1. I will NOT have printed cue sheets or Brevet cards at the start. You must print your own documents if you want them.
  4. COLD! A lot of you are here from colder climates, but I implore you not to think that AZ doesn't get cold. The weather on Saturday looks like it will be similar to my pre ride and I spent the first 2.5 hours in below freezing temps with 1+ hours at 27 degrees. As soon as you leave the parking lot, the temp will drop for the next 2 hours.
  5. COLD! Wait, didn't I just say this? You will also be in Arizona's high desert as the sun starts to set. Sonoita is notorious for causing cyclists to shiver for 3+ hours as they try to get off the mountain. I'm not telling you any of this to scare you. I want you to be able to properly prepare for conditions you may not be expecting.
  6. Trolley Tracks as you go thru the University area. These are bike eaters! Make sure you cross them perpendicularly. Then, be aware that you will be riding parallel to them for about 1 mile. You will ride this road in both directions - early and late. It will be dark both times for 400k riders and possibly for 300k riders. Warnings are noted on the cue sheet and RWGPS in both directions.
  7. Lunch will be served at mile 125! I will be sending out a separate email with a menu of sandwiches from which you can choose. It will be ready and waiting for you in Tubac. We have some wonderful volunteers from the "Friends for Life" group in the Green Valley area. Please show your appreciation for their efforts to support us!
    1. The 300k & 400k routes will diverge here.
      1. 300k riders will CONTINUE thru the patio area to the rear of the buildings, then turn left into the parking lot and continue from there.
      2. 400k riders will U-Turn back to the Frontage Rd and continue South, the way they were going.
  8. The Sonoita Control for 400k riders is at mile 174. The Dollar General Store is the latest open store for refueling. It closes at 9pm. Just past the Dollar General is a Fire Station where you can get water, if you need it. You need to be aware of this limitation and plan accordingly. It WILL be cold here.
    1. In Patagonia, at mile 161, is a Market that closes at 8pm and a Saloon that closes at 2am if you need anything.
    2. In Sahuarita, at mile 202, is a Market that is open until 11 pm
  9. Rumble Strips when descending from Sonoita for 400k riders. These are nasty and there are 10-12 of them. They stretch all the way to the white fog line. If you ride the white line you can miss most of them, but must use extreme caution because of plants growing into the road. They are all in the first 2.5 miles of the descent, so don't take your hands off the bars during this section! They are hard to see, even in daylight. There is a cue in the RWGPS, and on the cue sheet, to warn you.
  10. You will be finishing your rides on the bike trail. I'm not normally a fan of bike trails for these events, but this one is easy to follow and oh-so-nice! I wasn't familiar with it, but found it trivial to follow in the dark. It really felt good to get out of the traffic.
  11. For those finishing very late, the latest open food will be In-N-Out Burger right at the finish. They are open till 1:30 am. Other options in the finish plaza:
    1. Chick-fil-A, Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen, Walmart: 11 pm
    2. As you're coming thru the University, there will be a couple options open till 2am where you can stop to get food if you need to.
    3. There are 24 hour Convenience Stores within a mile of the finish.
    4. You don't need a receipt for the finish control. A photo of your smiling face at the Starbucks will be perfect!
  12. Proof of passage for RUSA/ACP credit. You have 3 options and you only need to choose one of them. You MUST read the specifics so that you understand what is involved in each option. As Brad said, "Learn it. Know it. Live it." They are linked on the web and may be found here: https://www.azbrevet.com/EPP.html
    1. GPS Track of your ride
    2. Photos at each control
    3. Traditional brevet card with receipts and/or Informational questions.
  13. Brevet cards may be found here. If you want a Brevet Card, you must print it yourself. 
    1. 300k: https://www.azbrevet.com/assets/brevetCards/Arivaca300k_3-4-2023_Card.pdf
    2. 400k: https://www.azbrevet.com/assets/brevetCards/Arivaca400k_3-4-2023_Card.pdf
  14. Remember to look for a menu selection email for lunch. You will need to respond with your sandwich choice.
  15. If you are running late to the start, you MUST text (602.702.2132) me to let me know you plan to ride. Otherwise, you will be listed as DNS and will not receive credit for the ride. I will also be riding and need to know who is on the route.
Let me know if you have any questions.