Start: Safeway/Starbucks – The start/finish control is at the southeast corner of Palasades & Fountain Hills Blvd in the Safeway parking lot.

Address: 13733 North Fountain Hills Blvd, Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268

Google Map:

The Start/ Finish will be located in Fountain Hills, AZ. A Google map may be found here.

Here is a detailed map of the Start/Finish. It can be confusing because we enter/leave the plaza from different directions and meet at different places at different times.

1) START: Park behind the Pizza Hut. We will meet there for the ride start

2) FINISH: Will be at Subway or any other biz in the plaza, your choice .


Click Image for a High-Rez View

Checkpoint #2 is at the top of the second climb (Usery Pass). This may be a staffed control with some snacks and water. If not staffed, then you will need to answer the question on your Brevet card.

Checkpoint #3 will be back at the Start/Finish location.